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Disrupt Yourself Podcast with Whitney Johnson

Aug 30, 2024

There’s a reason we call it a mental rut – this deep groove in the mud.  It’s a pattern of behavior that we’ve dug into our brains, and when we go down this road, it’s where our mental wheels get stuck.

When have you been stuck in a rut? Maybe it’s coming back day after day to a job you hate. Maybe it’s...

Aug 23, 2024

The power of manifesting something into reality might seem… well, a bit silly at times. It’s all over social media, for better or for worse. It can seem silly because we all know it’s not as simple as saying it out loud, or creating a Pinterest board. Getting what you want, reaching mastery on a curve, it’s...

Aug 16, 2024

Do you know that feeling, when you’ve been on a roadtrip for however many hours – or even, days – and you just can’t bring yourself to eat another bite of fast food? The food all looks the same, the landscape outside your window starts blending together, and you just crave something… different? 

There’s a...

Aug 9, 2024

What does it mean to turn a dream into a business plan? How do you take your vision of a better future, whatever that looks like, and translate that into a company? It’s a difficult leap! This grand vision has to be broken down into steps, arranged on a timeline. Then your dream becomes tied to the bottom...

Aug 2, 2024

In 2022, 46 percent of American teens said they were online almost constantly. Around 80 percent of high school seniors said they use social media nearly every day, but only 30 percent say they meet up with friends every day.

Since 2010 – roughly the year touch-screen smartphones and social media apps blew up – the...